
SEO – Search Engine Optimization Hyderabad

As of today, companies are competing to improve their online presence, as online marketing is the new and most trusted medium to generate business. But, there is a definite pathway and a structured approach through which we can tap the right clients, and so scale up our business by getting in more traffic in the form of visitors.

Search Engine (SEO) is a proven method that has been tested by thousands of marketing professionals, for generating leads, and getting more traffic to our respective website and blogs.

iBase solutions has done an extensive research in order to gain ini-depth insight as to what are the SEO tactics (On-page and Off-page) that can be implemented, so that ultimately the results are displayed in the first page of Google.

iBase Solutions has a team of SEO analysts and content writers who have undertaken many SEO based projects and executed it with finesse.

We ensure that we will drive traffic on your website/blogs within a span of three months, and see that your purpose of building an online presence is justified.

On Page Optimization:

  1. Keyword Planner and Research
  2. Title, Description, Keywords Optimizations
  3. Website Page Load Optimization
  4. Header Tags Optimization
  5. Competitors’ website analysis
  6. Internal link structuring & optimization
  7. Pages H tags optimization
  8. Image & Hyperlink Optimization
  9. txt Creation/Analysis
  10. RSS Feed & XML Sitemap
  11. Google, Yahoo & Bing Webmaster Tools
  12. Google Analytics
  13. Alt Tag Optimization
  14. Page Content Rewrite Updates
  15. Page Speed Optimization

Off Site – Optimization:

  1. Google My Business Setup & Verification
  2. Google Places – Setup
  3. Customer Reviews/Ratings ( Google review )
  4. Listings in Online Yellow Pages
  5. Schema Structured Data
  6. Geo Targeting in Google
  7. Article posting
  8. Directory submissions
  9. Classified Submissions
  10. Blog posting
  11. Rss Feed Submissions
  12. Comments, forums submissions
  13.  Group Creations
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Een freelance seo specialist speelt een cruciale rol in het verbeteren van je online aanwezigheid. Mindezeket megfűszerezzük a kötelező elmélettel, hogy igazi tapasztalt business analyst legyél a csapatodban.